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Who we are


The Schools Tree Project is a massive tree planting campaign which is taking the fight against climate change to schools in Uganda. We partner with schools and empower children to become environmental stewards, greening their own schools and communities.

The Schools Tree Project is an initiative of Child Care Foundation Uganda which works to create a generation of environmentally conscious future leaders who will pursue the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Schools Tree Project is a member of the One Planet Network, a United Nations supported multi-stakeholder partnership for sustainable development.

Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing the world’s children. This mounting global crisis has the potential to undermine many of the gains we have made in children’s survival and poses even greater dangers ahead. In every crisis, children are most vulnerable, and climate change is no exception. As escalating droughts and flooding degrade food production children bear the greatest burden of hunger and malnutrition. As temperatures increase, together with water scarcity, it is the children who must travel long distances to collect water. These are the threats that children face today and unless we act forcefully to tackle the climate crisis now, the danger will only escalate.

We strive to tackle this problem by empowering children to play an active role in combating this global crisis. The empowerment of children to take the future in their own hands will create future leaders who are environmentally conscious and well equipped in resolving future environmental issues.

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“Circumstances can never fail a man,
his attitude does.”

John Ekudu

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Our vision is a world where we all take full responsibility of our natural heritage for generations to come.

At The Schools Tree Project we change and shape lives. The work we do at our non-profit organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities.



Power of young people

We believe in the power of young people to about change in society. Young people hold the key to the future, and it is our profound belief that young people have ideas which should be listened to, acted upon and given a spark.


Power of creativity

We believe that it doesn’t require a large amount of money to bring about change in communities. Creativity is the key that unlocks barriers and creates opportunities. We ignite, support, and enhance creativity among young people as a way of solving the climate change crisis within their communities.


Power of partnerships

We believe that environmental conservation is a collective responsibility. We believe partnering with stakeholders at all levels including schools, teachers, local councils, women, religious leaders, and local and international NGO’s is crucial for us to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.

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