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Our Impact

Since our inception, we have been able to achieve a number of milestones within our different programs.

Our Impact: Welcome
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Reforestation: Since 2017, we have been planting trees in different Schools and Communities of Jinja, Iganga and Buikwe Districts of Uganda. In schools like Mwiri, St Patrick Girls School, Victoria Nile, Multiple Junior School, to mention but a few, our trees have grown and are clearly visible in the compounds and along the streets of communities like Buwolero.

In 2017 Gravelia and Jackfruit trees were planted with children in Buwolero Village

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In 2018 Gravelia Robusta trees were planted with children at Multiple Junior School

International Volunteer Program is blossoming: Our program gives opportunities to students, interns and professionals from different countries to gain skills in community development work and practical environmental activism. Volunteer participation into this program has been growing over the years and we are making it bigger and better.

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WhatsApp Image 2021-01-03 at

Climate Smart Agriculture: We have been able to equip and empower communities in Jinja City with skills in Climate Smart Agriculture and have learnt the art of producing vegetables in small spaces as a way of adapting to the changing climate.

Over 13 families are now growing cabbage and collards and some have started selling their produce to make a profit.

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WhatsApp Image 2021-01-03 at

Community Livestock Project: Initiated in 2018, our piggery program is slowly moving towards its goal of empowering rural women through commercial piggery farming. The initial stock has now reproduced 10 new offspring to be shared among the rural women of Maga Maga village. Meaning that 10 new mothers are going to start their own farms. The overall goal is to build capacity for rural communities in Uganda to be in position to produce Biogas rather than depend on firewood.

Our Impact: What We Do
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